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Jackson Dean’s Tattoo Inspired By Daniel Day-Lewis Character

/ 92.1 VTY Country
Jackson Dean's Tattoo Inspired By Daniel Day-Lewis Character

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Jackson Dean has several tattoos, one of which was inspired by some ink he saw in the 1992 film The Last of The Mohicans. He tells us that the one on his left forearm is a combination of the character's tattoo and his own embellishment: “This was Daniel Day-Lewis‘ tattoo in The Last of The Mohicans. One of my favorite quotes of all time was, ‘Live not by another man’s leave, beholden to none.’ And then I realized that I didn’t want words on my body. I got particular about it for some reason. So, I just got his tattoo and then blacked it out, and it was three sessions of just pounding black into my arm. It took a while.”

Jackson sits inside the Top 10 and climbing with his current single, “Don't Come Lookin'.”